Arranged by the NMI Advanced Microscopy Facility at the KTH. The course is aimed to acquire extended knowhow on how all super resolution techniques work and how to apply them in biological research. Jan – Feb 2018.
Tools and Techniques for 3D Light and Electron Microscopy
Workshop for Specialists – Master Your Multiscale Challenge Tools and Techniques for 3D Light and Electron Microscopy, arranged by the CCI in Gothenburg and Carl Zeiss, December 2017.
Introduction course in Image analysis for Life sciences
PhD course in basic Image Analysis arranged by the CCI and powered by NEUBIAS trainers, November 2017. The course provides a introduction to image processing and analysis, with emphasis on biologically relevant examples.
Basic Course in SEM and TEM, 20 – 22 September 2017
The Basic EM Course provides general and basic introduction to PhD students and postdocs, who would like to work with EM methods in their projects. The course covers fundamental theory and operational principles as well as specimen preparation techniques for SEM/TEM.
5th Nordic Advanced Microscopy Workshop
The Advanced Microscopy Workshops bring together researchers from the Nordic countries working with advanced microscopy modalities. The meeting is organized by the NMI BioImaging Facilities in Solna and ZEISS, September 2017.
NEUBIAS Training Schools for Facility Staffs and Early Career Researchers
Two simultaneous training schools focus on Bioimage Data Analysis arranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg and supported by the NEUBIAS COST Action CA15124, September 2017.
CYTO 2017 Image analysis challenge
Test your skills in this online image analysis challenge and you have the chance to win registration to CYTO 2018 meeting in Prague, a complimentary ISAC membership, and chance to participate in a paper published on the challenge in Cytometry Part A.
Challenge ends in June so hurry up!
Imaging the Complexity of Life
Welcome to SciLifeLab Science Summit 2017, May 3. International and national speakers are lined up to discuss the current state and future perspectives of bioimaging technologies and how they are used in research.
Optical microscopy in life science –from basics to state of the art
Workshop in optical microscopy for life science arranged by SkinResQU together with Cyclon-HIT (Marie Curie ITN project) and the Centre for Cellular Imaging (NMI Node), in Gothenburg, May 2017.
Fast, gentle, and easy imaging of large cleared specimen!
The NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging, in collaboration with ZEISS, is pleased to invite you on April 5th to 6th 2017 to a workshop focused on cleared tissue imaging with the Lightsheet Z.1.