NMI is a distributed infrastructure with specialised nodes at five universities, KTH, GU, SU, UmU and UU.

University of Gothenburg
The Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI) is a core facility that integrates both light and electron microscopy in one single multi-user facility, and specializes in 3D correlative multimodal imaging (CMI). CMI describes the sequential combination of two or more imaging techniques to gain holistic and complementary knowledge about the same sample across multiple scales, including structural, molecular, dynamical and chemical information.

KTH -Royal Institute of Technology
The Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM) facility provide state-of-the art superresolution fluorescence microscopy for nanoscale biological visualization. The cell profiling facility provides high-throughput multiplexed profiling of protein targets in individual cells.

Stockholm University
The NMI facility for intravital microscopy (IVMSU) is incorporated in a new research laboratory for studies of living rodents (mice and rats). It is equipped for a broad range of IVM-applications that require both multi- and single-photon microscopy.

UmeƄ University
The facilities for advanced fluorescent imaging (BICU) and electron microscopy (UCEM) collaborate to provide state-of-the art super-resolution microscopy, live cell confocal microscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, cryo-preparation and sectioning equipment

Uppsala University
The NMI facility for BioImage Informatics Facility (BIIF) develops new computational technologies and provides access to expertise and state-of-the art software for processing and quantitative analysis of all kinds of micorscopy image data, primarily for applications in the life sciences.