This year the upcoming SMLMS 2024 symposium, a prestigious gathering of leading scientists and researchers in the field of single-molecule localization microscopy and advanced super-resolution imaging technologies, celebrates the 10th anniversary of groundbreaking advancements since the Nobel Prize was awarded for developing super-resolved fluorescence microscopy. Keynote speaker is Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry Professor W. E. Moerner from Stanford University, USA. For more info and registration, visit the website.

Time: August 28th to 30th, 2024
Location: Lisbon, Portugal

A guide to FAIR Bioimage data 2024

If you perform biological imaging and want to maximise the potential of your bioimaging data, we suggest you to take a look at this free workshop, Euro-BioImaging’s Guide to FAIR Bioimage Data, provided by Euro-BioImaging. In this interactive online workshop you will learn about the FAIR principles and benefits in the context of bioimaging data, best practices for data management and much more. There is also an opportunity to bring your own data to the workshop. Read more by clicking the links below.

Time: 14:00-17:00 CEST, May 23rd-24th, 2024.

Euro-BioImaging User Forum on Image Data

We look forward to the next Euro-BioImaging User Forum – this time on the topic of IMAGE DATA. The User Forum will take place on March 26th, 2-5 pm CET. This is a great opportunity to highlight the innovative image analysis and image data management solutions developed by you all at the Euro-BioImaging Nodes and supporting Euro-BioImaging Users!

A selection will be made among the submitted abstracts for joint presentations from Users and Nodes that should cover both scientific aspects of the research project as well as the technical aspects of the work. While presentations from Euro-BioImaging users are encouraged, other users of Euro-BioImaging Node facilities are also invited to submit their abstracts. So please consider if you have an interesting story from your users to share.

Time: 2-5 pm CET, March 26, 2024
Registration deadline: January 31, 2024

Microscopy: improve your imaging skills – from sample preparation to image analysis

We would like to highlight that there are a few spots still available in this imaging course given by the Live Cell Imaging (LCI) core facility at Karolinska Institutet Jan 29th – Feb 17th. The purpose of the course is to provide PhD students, researchers and core facility staff who have some prior experience of microscopy with enough theoretical and practical knowledge about their OWN sample and their OWN microscope, to enable them to:

1) assess and improve their sample so that it becomes suitable for data extraction from fluorescence images,

2) make best use of the hardware available in their lab/facility,

3) fully understand the acquisition parameters they need to set in their own microscope software,

4) design their experiment from scientific question to image analysis using a strong knowledge base.

To see how the course can help your microscopy project, check the course webpage. Look at the course schedule 2024 and the alumni testimonies! Also check the course syllabus to see the eligibility criteria. Also read what you will learn in the Course content and Intended Learning Outcomes sections. If you cannot apply to the course, you can anyway follow any of the lectures (in blue on the schedule) as they will be publicly broadcasted live on Zoom and accessible to anyone without registration. The schedule and zoom link are available on the course page. The course is free of charge.


3rd Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructure (BNMI) network conference

The BNMI network conference brings the Nordic imaging infrastructures, including NMI, closer together and strengthens our collaboration. The goal of the meeting is to encourage networking between application scientists, developers and industry in order to improve the quality and impact of microscopy in the Nordic countries. The third Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructure (BNMI) network conference will take place April 9th-12th 2024 in the beautiful Norwegian mountains. Deadline for registration is February 8th 2024. 

More information and registration can be found here:

Nordic Microscopy Symposium

Welcome to the Nordic Microscopy Symposium organised by BergmanLabora, Ramcon Denmark and Inter Instrument AS and hosted by the Live Cell Imaging core facility at Karolinska Institute (which is also a Nikon Centre of Excellence).

The purpose of the symposium is to highlight the great research being done in the Nordics where microscopy is a key tool and to showcase some new systems from Nikon (the Nikon AX confocal with NSPARC super-resolution module and Nikon/CrEST V3 spinning disk with DeepSIM structured illumination super-resolution module).

Speakers include amongst others: Zuzana Kadlecova (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research – UK), Staffan Strömblad (Karolinska Institute – Sweden), Pieta Mattila (University of Turku – Finland) and Nicoline Dorothea Daugaard (Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, SDU – Denmark).

You will be given the opportunity to have either public and/or private demonstration of these systems.

Time: Tuesday 3rd October 10:00-16:15
Location: Karolinska Institute (Flemingsberg Campus), Live Cell Imaging core facility (LCI) /Nikon Centre of Excellence
Deadline for registration: 2023-09-29
Weblink: Nordic Microscopy Symposium – BergmanLabora

CytoData Symposium 2023

Welcome to this year’s CytoData Symposium where the focus is single-cell and spatial profiling. CytoData 2023 includes workshops, oral and poster presentations, as well as the popular hackathon where the participants work with practical profiling tasks and real image data.

Organizer: FIMM, University of Helsinki and University of Turku
Time of event: October 23-26
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Deadline for registration: 31st August 2023
Contact email:

The 2nd International Meeting on Optical Biosensors – IMOB23

Welcome to IMOB23 that will gather and consolidate expertise in the field to share and reflect on the latest information and to promote accelerated development in the field. The in-person meeting is directed to all scientists with an interest in optical biosensors as tools to answer scientific questions in any area of biology and biomedical sciences.

Organizer: Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Location: Humanities Theatre, Uppsala
Time of event: Aug 23rd-25th, 2023
Contact email:

Open session on NIR Nanoscopy and Vibrational Microscopy

Most welcome to an open lecture session on “Near-IR Nanoscopy and Vibrational Microscopy”, arranged within the framework of our ongoing NanoVIB H2020 project. Within this session, we have the honour to have a (Zoom) lecture by Stefan W Hell (MPI Göttingen/Heidelberg, Nobel Laureate and the pioneer of fluorescence super-resolution imaging) with the title “MINFLUX nanoscopy and related matters”, and the session also includes short (IRL) presentations describing the aims, partners and major activities of the NanoVIB project.

Organizer: NanoVIB H2020 project, Jerker Widengren, SciLifeLab
Location: FB54, Albanova University Center, Stockholm
Online: https://kth
Time of event: 13:00-15:00, May 16th, 2023
Contact email:

EMBO Practical Course: Advanced methods in bioimage analysis

This advanced course on methods in bioimage analysis concentrates on teaching cutting-edge concepts and tools for quantitative image analysis and will seek to upgrade the competencies of future bioimage analysis experts on both theoretical algorithm advancements as well as on practical implementation skills.

Organizer: EMBL Heidelberg together with the BioImage Informatics Facility in Uppsala
Location: EMBL Heidelberg
Time of event: Sep 10-15, 2023
Deadline for registration: Jun 18, 2023
Contact email:

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